Image of PaleoGreens (Unflavoured) 270g designed for health usa 
Image of PaleoGreens (unflavoured) Designed for Health usa 270g contents:
Spirulina, Barley Grass Juice, Wheat Grass Juice, Chlorella, Nettle leaves, Vegetable proprietary blend, spinach, carrot, beet, kale, tomato, parsley, broccoli sprout, cauliflower sprout, kale sprout, apple, blueberry, cranberry, raspberry, camu camu berry extract, Orac propietary blend, OxyPhyte Grape Seed Extract, OxyPhate grape skin Extract, Enzyme/prebiotic proprietary blend, Enzyme Blend, Cellulase, Protease, Amylase, Lipase

PaleoGreens (Unflavoured)

Regular price $120.00 Sale

Vendor: Designs for Health - USA

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